Friday, May 22, 2009

Day 4 and 5 of feelin feminine and more

So...I did wear a dress yesterday, it was even a really cute one...however I was so disheveled by the time I got home last night that the picture I took looked I am not going to share. It was a cute black dress with turquoise polka dots. It has a collar and cap sleeve and a belt. I bought it at Lane Bryant last year for a funeral. I feel classic when I wear it and it makes me feel good! Today....was dress down Friday. wore jeans...I admit it...I totally wore jeans. Please forgive me ladies, I love to wear dresses, but I just don't find them I took advantage of dress down Friday.

Okay, so moving on, today I finally went back to a normal people schedule it went by very fast, but got off to a rough start. However, I told myself that just because it started out rough that it didn't have to stay rough, things really brightened up later in the day and I really did actually enjoy work today. I have been trying really hard to talk myself into getting back into the swing of things with my diet when my schedule went to normal, so today when Michael spend our life savings...I mean went to the grocery store I tried to buy some healthier food. We are going to try Carrie's chile burgers and I got some Ronzoni noodles. Yoplait light is always on my favorite diet foods, it's the only diet yogurt that tastes real! We also got some fresh veggies to make skewers out of and we also got some stuff to grill, cuz I loves me some grilled meat. So next week I am going to make it my goal to try to eat healthy next week and to walk at least three days out of the week. I have some work to do to catch up to Carrie who has already lost almost 10lbs. Way to go Carrie! I hope that I can reach the kind of dedication she has.


Anonymous said...

You can do it, I know you can. We can lean on each other for strength. Lord knows I need it. I started the shred today. She kicked my butt! My knees are till shaking but I feel great! One step closer to my birthday night. Were going to have a blast and look good in the process!
Love ya girl

Melissa on May 23, 2009 at 2:37 PM said...
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Melissa on May 23, 2009 at 2:37 PM said...



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