Friday, May 29, 2009

EEEK...I can't move lol!!!

Okay, so my last post was about how very motivated that I am feeling. I am still feeling pretty motivated. On Wednesday I had a good day off. I kept my diet all day, and I even got to hang out with Carried and to the...duh duh duuuuh....SHRED. The shred theoretically isn't that hard, but in reality, it's pretty exhausting, but well worth it. In Carrie's blog she said that she heard tell that someone who did it needed help getting off the toilet, well I believe it.

Let me just tell you that after doing the exercise I thought I was tough, but I wasn't...later that day my thighs were killing me. Then the next day my abs were so sore, and I had a cough, and everytime I would have a coughing fit...lets just say...SORE. On the other hand...that soreness made me feel accomplished. So what did I do you ask?? I went to Hastings and bought my own copy so that Carrie doesn't have to watch me make a fool of myself doing the exercises. Thanks Carrie for introducing me to.... duh duh duuuhhh...the shred! I just finished doing it for the second time and am feeling a little shaky.

I also bought another video to try so that I can work on my moves lol and keep my interest. The other movie is a dance movie.
Before I did the Shred I did about half of one of these routines and realized something very important...I CAN'T DANCE. So I am just going to keep trying to learn the moves!! So now that I am finished with my workouts for the day I am off to make some supper for my hubby. Thanks Carrie for helping me to stay motivated!


Nic on May 29, 2009 at 8:01 PM said...

I am so proud of you guys! Ps we are starting the FireProof bible study and would love you guys to come!

Amanda Sanders/Red Hot Momma on May 31, 2009 at 7:35 AM said...

I would love to have abs like Jillian. But if I did, I would just walk around topless so everyone could gaze at my beauty. Not sure how that would work with my everyday life.. :)

Keep up the hard work.. YOU ARE SO WORTH IT!


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