Friday, April 3, 2009

The Little Things in Life

It's funny how sometimes we make forget to thank God for even the littlest things. The first of the month is always a tight time, as all the bills seem to be then. Michael thought he was being helpful and scheduled a Discover payment for the first. He also neglected to call them back and reschedule it for a different week. So we were feeling a little stressed because it was going to put us way short. Today before I left I realized I needed to make a grocery list, so I grabbed my notebook as a last second decision on the way out the door. I never take it with me. I threw it in the front seat and headed to work. When I got there I picked it up and a piece of paper fell out that said "Discover, $110 on April 4" I was so excited, I called discover and rescheduled the payment, I never would have known unless I grabbed that notebook. Thank you God. There are a few other little things I would like to thank God for. Thank you Lord that I have a job, I may not like it, but it pays the bills. Thank you lord that I have food in the fridge, it may not be what I want, but it feeds my body. Thank you lord for my life, it may not be perfect, but it is yours.
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness... 1 Chronicles 16:8



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