Sunday, April 26, 2009

Setting Goals

So I have been doing a lot of thinking about my life lately. You know when you have that epiphany that you need a total life makeover! That is how I have been feeling. Michael told me the other day that he wants to do bible study together, he has also mentioned a time or two about how nice it would be if I could keep the house up and fix dinner a little more often. When I was in school, it was really hard for me to keep dinner on the table and the house picked up. I felt like I was run ragged with all the stuff that was going on. Since I am finished with school and getting on a better schedule, I figure now is the time to make some goals. I have some total life makeover goals in mind, but anybody can tell you that when you are setting goals it's important to start small. So here goes, I am going to make a short term goal for this week. This week I am starting out with a clean slate, there are no dirty dishes, no dirty clothes and the house is actually company presentable, lived in, but company presentable. This week I am going to make an effort to keep the house up. Every night after dinner this week I will wash dishes and straighten up the living room. I will have meals planned and prepared for every night this week, and I will at least do one load of laundry this week. (I know all you mommies out there are thinking ONE LOAD???, but there are only two of us...and ICT isn't near as dirty as Hobby Lobby) pray for me that I can meet my goals this week! I know that making these things a priority will in the end make my life much simpler and leave me with more time to spend with my hubby and just relaxin instead of worrying about my house! Later on I will tell you about some of the other more long term goals I would like to set for Michael and I.


Nic on April 26, 2009 at 7:51 PM said...

That is so funny. Are sermon was tonight was on setting goals. Good Luck!

ps..I'm back on the wagon...I'm not going to be a closet sonic diet coke drinker!

Anonymous said...

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3. =>

"Grammy" Sue B on April 28, 2009 at 9:25 AM said...

You know....By "publishing" your goals you are now holding yourself accountable to everyone who reads! YOU CAN DO THESE THINGS! And when you remember how happy this makes hubby, it's all the better.
Your California Great-Aunt (or whatever I am!).....Sue


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